aerial musings
The land was lilac-colored; the clouds, pale pink peonies. And the sky, well, it was a lovely, slightly green-tinged light blue, a color cool and warm and electric and soothing all at once. A great wide ocean of muted, yet vibrant, color, in layers like a rainbow sherbet parfait, and I grab a pen and a scrap of paper and look out the window again and it's all different now, darker, colder, gray-tinged, juxtaposed against that moment of bright, glorious harmony which I just saw and still see in my mind. How beautiful the world is! How different it looks when you're floating high above it, with Jiménez's imagery and Kerouac's syntax dancing in your head.
Little orange lights - like fireflies whose lamps are stuck in the "on" position - slide along dark gray currents. Two approach an intersection, speeding toward each other perpendicularly. Neither one slows or stops. They meet, one disappears, the other zooms on. A hit-and-run? A Bermuda triangle? My eyes strain to decipher the aerial image. An overpass.
And I finish scribbling this down and "welcome to Baltimore"
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